Tuesday, December 27, 2005


Remember my friend Jay? The one whose across-the-street neighbor sometimes fired off a shotgun blast from behind their tall hedge and metal driveway gate?

(If not you may want to revist THIS POST to refresh your poor memory.)

After my blog post of last week concerning this strange behavior, Jay sent me a Christmas card you might enjoy. He thought it was extremely appropriate, given our recent conversations.

Outside the context of his comments about his neighbors, this would have been amusing, but inside that context it seemed hilarious.

Then he called again to tell me that his same neighbors had just put up a sign at the end of their driveway. Jay sneaked out to the street and snagged the picture below. He didn’t want to be seen taking the “shot” (sorry!) for obvious reasons...

I suggested to Jay that a move to a different neighborhood might not be a bad idea.


Anonymous said...

Not a bad idea at all. In fact, perhaps Jay has been somewhat broke, but is saving toward that very goal right now.

Anonymous said...

LOL! You know living where I live this doesnt shock me..LOL..
Infact we have people who like to shoot their rifles off for about 20 minutes straight at the stroke of midnight on new years eve. One shot okay. 1000 shots not okay..

I know alot of rednecks. They could keep you questioning things for a long time..

Nic said...

Oh that sign is a classic! Talk about white trash redneck. It looks like they might also use their lawn as a trash dump/auto parts shop just judging by the stuff in the background of the picture.

kenju said...

I would move right away!

Karyn Lyndon said...

Looks to me like somebody's already a bit disturbed!

Anonymous said...

After seeing that sign I would definitely move unless the authorities are able to do something about it? After all, who would want to buy a house when a sign like that is displayed? It devalues the neighbourhood and puts the fear of death into any new homeowner *grin*.

Sorry to hear you accepted Carol's kind gift of the 'flu bug but am pleased you are feeling a whole lot better. Have a wonderful week - hope it is not too busy.

Candace said...

How could Jay sell the house with something like that across the way? Seriously, I hope he contacts the authorities; this neighbor is obviously a paranoid schizo (and I oughta know because I was raised by one) who could hurt someone for real. Also, looks like your friends will be spending New Year's Eve flat on the floor or behind a bullet-proof wall! Gads!

Nankin said...

It takes all kinds, but these people are over the top. If your friend calls the cops and they don't do anything, you know who will be the target of retaliation.

Maybe they shoud spend New Year's eve in a hotel; somewhere far from home.